I was not sure whether I should write about it. But the more I think of Thermomix, how it helps me in running the household and especially the time I can save by using this awesome little machine, the more I should share with you.
Thermomix is a superb piece of kitchen invention. It is made in Germany and the quality is top notch.
Mind you, this machine is not meant only for work from home parents. In fact, Thermomix is more than that. It is well adored by some world class chefs as well. So when I talk about Thermomix from my point of view as a stay at home dad, there are many professional cooks out there are using it.
First off, let’s talk about the benefits of the cool machine. Thermomix…
- will not overcook your vegetables
- will help you stuff greens into your child’s throat
- retains the nutrients of the food
- saves time
- makes your baking simple and easy
- helps you expand your recipes
- makes your cooking easier because you end up using less kitchen appliances
- helps you make food with consistent results
Ever since we bought Thermomix (current model is called TM 31) this May, we have tried many things we could not imagine we would ever make.
Having a hard time visualizing how this machine works? Check out this video to get a better picture of how Thermomix works, what it can do, and how well it does:
The Best Things I Like About Thermomix
One of the biggest headaches parents have is the children don’t eat vegetables as much as we expect them.
Though J and K are fine with vegetables but they still don’t eat some For example, both of them don’t take celery. We all know celery is amazingly healthy. But with the help of my new love, Thermomix can cook up a plate of celery with the right texture, original flavor, and sweetness (I usually saute celery with broccoli and capsicum). So much so that J and K grabbed it and they leave nothing for daddy and mommy. It might sound exaggerating but it is true.

Secondly, we never made bread before Thermomix came into picture. I didn’t even bother to find out how people make homemade bread because in my mind, I always have the impression that it’s too much work. So making bread at home is something beyond me.
But with Thermomix, it makes bread-making unbelievably simple. Especially the kneading. With all the ingredients ready, it only takes an average of two minutes to knead the bread dough. That’s all you need. The only thing that is left to do is to let the dough rise before putting it into the oven to bake.
Presto! A freshly baked homemade bread is ready to be served.

If you make your own bread, you can choose to put in only healthy ingredients and you are not worried if your child eats too much of it.

Another great advantage of Thermomix is that your kitchen will be free from smoke and oil. If you do as much Chinese cooking as we do, your kitchen will be covered with a layer of oil and it needs regular rubbing and cleaning. And the oil that accumulates in your kitchen hood can scare you to death.
With Thermomix, this problem is nearly non-existent.
Last but not least, when you own Thermomix, this is most probably the last kitchen appliance you would ever buy because you can make virtually anything with this superb machine. Of course, you need an oven besides Thermomix if you love baking. Thermomix and oven are all you need in a modern kitchen.
Not only can it save kitchen space, Thermomix can also replace most of your appliances if not all. This is not an overstatement. It can replace your frying pan, sauce pan, steamer, mixer, blender, food processor, juicer, chopper, scale, thermometer, coffee maker, bread maker, rice cooker, mortar and pestle, etc.
The Complaints or Disadvantages of Thermomix
As much as I love Thermomix, there are a couple of things that I don’t like about it.
1. The noise from Thermomix can be very loud especially when it hits maximum speed. But then again, there are not many recipes that call for the top speed. So it is still bearable if you need to hit the top speed. You can’t avoid it. You will have the same problem with other high speed blenders too.
2. Another area I want to see improvement is the size of the Thermomix bowl. It is too small on some occasions. For everything else, the 2-liter bowl is just nice for a small family like ours (2 adults, 2 children). But when we want to boil soup, I wish I had a bigger bowl in order for me to include more ingredients.
3. Here is the biggie: the price tag. To be honest, price was the biggest factor that held us back for a month before we took the plunge and bought Thermomix. Currently, it is sold for RM5,398 in Malaysia.
Our Thermomix Buying Process
After we got to know about Thermomix, my wife and I did some research online (and watched some youtube videos). We also asked feedback from existing Thermomix owners (J’s piano teacher has one). We found that the machine is as good as what people claim. My wife and I thought if we could use the machine everyday and it helped us in our daily meal preparation, then we should get one.
In the end, we ordered Thermomix right after the demo. From the surface, it might look like a compulsive purchase but in fact, it is not. We had done our homework before hand and we already made up our mind to get one before we went to the demo.
(I am not someone who drives immense pleasure from buying stuff. I am not. The thing that convinced me and my wife to go ahead and buy Thermomix was we believe in quality lifestyle. Although we are frugal, but sometimes we will buy expensive, high end products to reward ourselves. There is no point in hoarding your money and live miserably if you can afford to splurge a bit on better things in life. As long as the things you buy do not go to waste and you enjoy using those things, there is no reason for you not to buy)
If you asked me now, I am very happy that we made the purchase. No regrets at all.
Now I can tie my daughter’s hair getting her ready for school or getting her nails trimmed while the pasta is being cooked. I don’t need to reluctantly stand at the stove stirring the pasta until it is cooked (Talking about spaghetti. I can even prepare pasta sauce in under 30 minutes without me stirring it! With Thermomix of course). Or I can do some washing up while waiting for Thermomix to cook my meal.
For someone who cooks, you will appreciate more what I have said because we do know the hassle of preparing home cooked food and it requires time and patience.
Honestly, Thermomix has taken off a huge burden from my shoulders. I can whip up a simple lunch within half an hour or less (The mad rushing hour during school time is over because I don’t need to rush). Or a decent dinner in less than an hour. Not to mention I am more daring to try more challenging recipes that I could never imagine I would make.
What We Have Made with Thermomix
Here’s a sampling of some of the stuff we made with Thermomix. I don’t mean to brag or show off but to let you know – with the help of Thermomix – the possibilities are endless. Also it makes your life easier.
Caveat: You don’t need to be Jamie Oliver or Kylie Kwong to make these!

Updated August 18th…

Conclusion… and how to get one
Thermomix is one fine kitchen helper that really amazes me. I really respect the team of engineers who is behind this product. It can blend, mill, cook, boil, knead, chop, mix, weigh, saute… all in one place. I was told it can replace 12 other kitchen appliances.
Best of all, at the end of a tiring day, you can relax and have a cup of cappuccino made by Thermomix.
When you do a quick research on Thermomix online, it doesn’t take you long to find out that there’s a huge group of raving fans out there. They are extremely passionate about the machine and willingly share with your all the Thermomix recipes they have tried. You won’t run out of recipes when you own Thermomix but you will run out of time trying all those tantalizing recipes…
Thermomix can save you time, make your cooking less hassle and more enjoyable, and cook up more healthy food for you and your family. All this being done without leaving your kitchen in an oily, smokey, messy state.
Overall it is a great machine.
Now I hardly use my conventional gas stove to cook except when I crave for pancakes or fried eggs…
Where to get Thermomix
If you are interested, you can’t get Thermomix at your nearest electrical store. Neither will you get it online. You can only get it through a local consultant who is more than happy to demonstrate to you what Thermomix can do for you.
You can do your own research to locate a local Thermomix consultant near you.
If you live in Malaysia or Singapore (or simply need help in getting one), you can contact me.
More great resources to help your research: Super Kitchen Machine and Thermomix Forum.
See Also…
My True Story: How I Lost 10 kg Naturally In Two Months (or Less)
The Simple Guide to A Healthy, Wholesome Family Diet