We entrusted food companies to produce foods and hopefully safeguard our health.
But more often than not, they have failed us… miserably.
In the latest event, Trader Joe’s has recalled its peanut butt-er jam.
And according to the CDC, it’s said that the tainted peanut butt-er is linked to Salmonella poisoning that caused 30 people ill in 19 states in the US.
Incidents like this make us sick as these companies have breached the trust we have given to them.
Sad but true, this is not a US only issue, it affects every country.
To prevent this from happening, here’s what you can do.
First, eat only natural, whole foods. Avoid processed foods.
Second, take back the control. Don’t let food companies prepare your food. Do it yourself.
When you prepare your own food, you can source the ingredients from reliable suppliers. Better still, get them from your local farmer’s market. They are much more reliable than anything produced by large conglomerates who place their interests more than anything else.
Take peanut jam for example. I make my own from scratch. With the help of the awesome Thermomix machine, I can whip up lip-smacking peanut butter in 5 minutes or less.
(In case you are wondering, I have written a review of Thermomix, check it out: Thermomix Review. It’s hailed as the world’s smallest kitchen)
Tastes as yummy as the store-bought ones – minus the scare.
But hold on… Abel.
Even with making my own food, I can’t avoid food contamination entirely.
I agree.
But at least, you can take back some level of control from unethical food companies and the probability of food poisoning is reduced significantly if you source the supplies carefully.
It takes a little effort here but the choice is yours. Do you want to have more control over what you feed your family or you pass it to the companies that are more concerned about market share than your health?
P.S. For more of other healthy eating tips for kids, check out “The Nonconformist’s Guide to Parenting.”
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