In the previous post, I shared with you about a huge project of tidying up my home that I am still embarking on.
The result?
A clutter-free, spacious home that I really like. So do my wife, J and K.
This is not the end. I continue with the cleaning spree and it has now spread to my blog: ParentWonder.
Yep, you guessed it right. I “tidy up” the website by removing the unnecessary designs, buttons, links, graphics, and everything else I deem would create distraction on the website.
Once again, the result?
A clean, clutter-free, distraction-free website that you will enjoy looking at… without getting bored.
I have to admit, the new look gives you a Zen-like feeling and it comforts the eyes. And now the blog is mobile-friendly!
It fits nicely with Apple’s design mantra: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Don’t believe me? Check it out yourself and play around with it if you will.
In case you forget how the blog used to look like, here it is: