Though it’s been 5 days after Mother’s Day, there are things that are timeless and never go out-of-date.
In conjunction with this year’s Mother’s Day, Marlo Thomas shared the best piece of advice her mother gave on her blog:
“The most valuable [advice] being her encouragement to follow my own course and seize the career I wanted.”
Besides that, Marlo also encouraged readers to share their mom’s best advice that has a lasting impact on their lives.
I have picked some and posted them here. I guess we can use some of the tips here as reference to teach to our children… or even ourselves.
My mother said,
‘What’s done in the dark
will come to the light!’
In others words,
don’t do anything you’ll be
ashamed of later.
– Dorothy Reynolds Westley
My mom always said,
‘When you’re doing a good deed
for someone, the deed should be
between you and God.
When you tell everyone,
even the person you are doing it for,
it ends up being for your own glory.’
– Karen McDonald Pena
My mother said,
‘No one person should be
responsible for your happiness.
Nobody wants that job.
Find your happiness within.’
– Barbara McFarland Nee
My mom told me,
‘If someone is talking badly
about another person,
just say something positive
or good about the person
being talked about.
It will usually make the talker
stop talking about that person.’
I have found this to be true.
– Janet Wolbach
My mom told me, ‘Don’t look to
clean the whole house. Start in one
corner and keep going.’ When you
feel overwhelmed or have a challenge
in front of you, start with what you can
do, and keep going.
– Janine Catalino
‘If you have trouble letting go,
you’d better be careful
of what (or whom) you acquire.’
Mom also said, ‘You’ll never get
anywhere in this life sitting around
being afraid.’
– Jane Ford
My mom would say,
‘Clean off your own back porch
before judging someone else’s.’
In other words,
we should check ourselves —
our judging, our motives.
We can only change ourselves.
– Barbara Mcdonald
My mother said,
‘Enjoy your children —
have fun raising them!
It goes by so quickly.’
My kids are now 31 and 24, and
I’m so grateful that I listened to her!
She passed away 6 years ago, and
I miss her everyday.’
– Janie Gross Peskin
What? You don’t agree with the last advice? Then you need to check out my “The Nonconformist’s Guide to Parenting.”
More details about the book can be found here:
The Nonconformist’s Guide to Parenting
After reading, you’ll learn why there’s so much fun in parenting.